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Cypress-Page-Object-Model Framework



Cypress: a JavaScript End to End testing framework.

Benefits of Cypress :-

1.    Cypress is also able to intercept AJAX request and provide fake responses. This approach is known as stubbing.

2.    Cypress is a Node server process. Cypress and the Node process constantly communicate, synchronize, and perform tasks on behalf of each other.

3.    Modify DOM elements directly - like forcing hidden elements to be shown

4.    Control time by moving forward or backward so that timers or polls automatically fire without having to wait for the required time in your tests

5.    Cypress operates within your application, that means it has native access to every single object. Whether it is the window, the document, a DOM element, your application instance, a function, a timer, a service worker, or anything else - you have access to it in your Cypress tests. There is no object serialization, there is no over-the-wire protocol - you have access to everything.

Cypress page object model automation framework using cypress, Javascript.

CodeBase :

Installing Cypress

Install Cypress via npm:

cd /your/project/path
npm install cypress --save-dev

**Installing Cypress Xpath **

cd /your/project/path
npm install -D cypress-xpath

After Installing add below line in support/index.js file


Steps to Setup

1. Clone the application

git clone 

2.Go to project Directory

cd Cypress-Page-Object-Framework

**3.Run **

npm run test

**Configure test in Cypress **

Add below line in Cypress.json and you can change you test location 


Project Structure

Package & Classes Details

Pages : In this package all the pages of application is present.


Tests : In this package all the TestCases is present.


Integrated Mocha Framework for Reporting


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