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Cypress-Page-Object-Model Framework

  Cypress-Page-Object-Framework Cypress : a JavaScript End to End testing framework. Benefits of Cypress :- 1.     Cypress is also able to intercept AJAX request and provide fake responses. This approach is known as stubbing. 2.     Cypress is a Node server process. Cypress and the Node process constantly communicate, synchronize, and perform tasks on behalf of each other. 3.     Modify DOM elements directly - like forcing hidden elements to be shown 4.     Control time by moving forward or backward  so that timers or polls automatically fire without having to wait for the required time in your tests 5.     Cypress operates within your application, that means it has native access to every single object. Whether it is the window, the document, a DOM element, your application instance, a function, a timer, a service worker, or anything else - you have access to it in your Cypress tests...
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Selenium Page Object Automation Framework Using Java

  Selenium Page Object Automation-Framework Selenium page object automation framework using java & Maven & TestNG & Extent Report Page Object Model (POM) : Design pattern. The Page Object Design Pattern provides the following advantages: There is a clean separation between test code and page specific code such as locators (or their use if you’re using a UI Map) and layout. There is a single Object repository for the services or operations offered by the page rather than having these services scattered throughout the tests. Example :  HomePage,Login Page are object repository  Page Factory :  Page Factory is a class provided by   Selenium WebDriver  to support Page Object Design patterns. In Page Factory we have @FindBy annotation. The  PageFactory.initElements method is used to initialize web elements. @ FindBy  can accept tagName, partialLinkText, name, linkText, id, css, className, xpath  @FindBy ( xpath = ...

TestNG Interview Questions

TestNG Framework TestNG is a testing framework designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs, from unit testing (testing a class in isolation of the others) to integration testing (testing entire systems made of several classes, several packages and even several external frameworks, such as application servers). Initially, it is developed to simplify a broad range of testing, no matter from system testing or Unit testing. It is an open source framework which is inspired from the Java platform (JUnit) and NET platform (NUnit). It can be used for any testing, be it API testing or UI testing. What are the Benefits of TestNG? Test cases can be Grouped & Prioritized more easily. Parallel testing is possible Generates Logs Data Parameterization is possible. Execution Order of TestNG  ? Before Suite Annotation Before Test Annotation Before Class Annotation Before Method Annotation Case I After Method Annotation Before Method Annotation Cas...

SQL Interview Questions

SQL stands for Structured Query Language , and it is used to communicate with the Database. This is a standard language used to perform tasks such as retrieval, updation, insertion and deletion of data from a database. Q1. What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements? Delete  :- Delete command is used to delete a row in a table. You can rollback data after using delete statement. t is a DML command. It is slower than truncate statement. TRUNCATE Truncate is used to delete all the rows from a table. You cannot rollback data. It is a DDL command. It is faster. Q2. What are the different subsets of SQL? DDL (Data Definition Language) –  It allows you to perform various operations on the database such as CREATE, ALTER and DELETE objects. DML ( Data Manipulation Language)  – It allows you to access and manipulate data. It helps you to insert, update, delete and retrieve data from the database. DCL ( Data Control Language)  ...

API Automation using Java

Web Services Explained         Web Service can be defined as   1.  Method of communication between two devices over network 2.  Is a collection of standards or protocols for exchanging information between two devices or application. 3.  Web service is a language independent way of communication. For example, java application can interact with Java, .Net and PHP applications.   Types of Web Services There are mainly two types of web services. 1.   SOAP web services. 2.   RESTful web services.   SOAP Web Services   SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. It is a XML-based protocol for accessing web services. SOAP is a W3C recommendation for communication between two applications.It is platform independent and language independent. By using SOAP, you will be able to interact with other programming language applications.   A dvantages of Soap Web Services   WS Security : SOAP ...